
People of Amsterdam | Daphne

Meet the People of Amsterdam. Here we will showcase a different Amsterdam native every week. Every Amsterdam native will share a little about their lives during quarantine, sharing their favorite spots, and what makes Amsterdam so special to them. These interviews were done during quarantine. Take it all in. After all, the People of Amsterdam know Amsterdam best. This week: Daphne Kooy, Model.

How has the coronavirus changed your daily life?
Due to the Coronavirus, I am, like everyone, way more at home and my life is less social, I am not able to work and also my study has to be continued from home. I try to workout at home or in the park instead of in the gym. Due to all these changes, there is room for new inspiration and creativity as well which actually feels quite good!

What things didnā€™t change?
I think the Coronavirus came in a time that for me a lot of things were changing anyway, just when the lockdown started I moved out of my old house and moved into my new house on the other side of the city, my study is still going through but only onlineā€¦ Trips are cancelled, work is mostly cancelled. So basically my whole life is changed at the moment, haha! But I donā€™t see it as a bad thing, itā€™s nice to take some more time to focus on other things.

Whatā€™s your favorite spot in your home?
My favorite spot is the windowsill, the sun is shining through the window almost the whole day and I love to just chill there in the sun with a cup of coffee.

Whatā€™s your experience with working from home?
My main job is modelling and unfortunately itā€™s not possible to do that from home. So thereā€™s no work for me at the moment. Besides modelling, photography is a big passion for me as well. I have more time now to dive into old pictures, go around the park/city and get creative with my camera, renew my website etc. So I try to put some more energy in that at the moment.

What is your favorite restaurant to order from?
I love sushi! I just moved to the other side of the city so for now Iā€™m trying out all the sushi places in the neighborhood to see which one I like the most.

Did you have any plans that are cancelled now?
Unfortunately I do have a lot of plans that are cancelled. I was planning on going to London in April and my plan was to go on a photography trip to Africa this summer and back to my ā€˜second homeā€™ Bali after that. This is for now all canceled. But Iā€™m sure there will be space for new plans when all this is over!

We believe in ā€˜support your localsā€™. Do you have a store in your neighborhood that you still support?
I love the sandwiches from Stach food, so I try to go there every week to get one. Besides that I go and get coffees at different local places when I go for a walk.

What is your favorite area to go for a walk these days?
I love walking around in Vondelpark, Westerpark and the 9 streets, I do this almost every day!

What restaurant/bar/coffee shop do you miss the most?
Iā€™ve been living in Bali for a year and I just got back when the whole Coronavirus situation happened, so at the moment I didnā€™t really had a favorite restaurant or bar, I was just about to explore new hotspots! Canā€™t wait until I can finally do that again.

What is the first thing you are going to do when we are out of lockdown?
Go visit everybody I love and go to terraces with my friends and/or family. And as soon as possible make new travel plans!

How do you keep up with your selfcare from home?
I am ordering way to much skin and hair care online at the moment haha! I try to put some more time in doing hair/face masks now and itā€™s a good time to try out new hair oils etc. I also really love to try out new recipes and spoil myself with good food!

What party has been cancelled you are most sad about?
I was planning on going to DGTL and that was actually the first festival that got cancelled, so I think that was the one I was most sad about. I am now actually getting quite used to the ā€˜no partyā€™ lifestyle haha, but I do miss it now and then.

Are you eating healthier because of quarantine or less healthy?
I think I am still eating the same! Some days I love to snack on unhealthy food and chill and some days I want to take good care of myself and I am all about healthy food and working out. I try to still eat healthy during the week and cheat a bit more in the weekends. That way it feels like there is still some routine in the week.

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